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  Horse Power產品說明 (2008/10/18 00:10:07)
  近來有會員洽詢Horse Power狀態之問題, 在此公告大家,HorsePower本品可能呈現塊狀,是屬於正常現象。 鐵克健身中心與合作伙伴詢問UN總公司,所得到的答覆如后: Hi, Regarding Horse Power, I was informed from our quality control department that clumping can occur when the powder packs down during shipping. Horse Power has MCT oil in it. So this causes the powder to clump after it packs down. The clumps can easily be broken with a fork or spoon and this does not affect the product integrity in any way. 大意是指,HorsePower 因含有MCT oil(Medium Chain Triglycerides ,MCT,中鏈脂肪酸) 的成分,所以會造成粉末在包裝後有堆起的現象,如果您用叉子或湯匙,就可以把堆疊塊弄鬆,而且不會影響產品的完整性。 各位儘管可以放心使用:)