BBS 基礎/一般訓練討論
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Specific Warm-up

樓主: take(強哥)( male) 2002/08/01 21:55:56

來自 台北市
磅數 45930.8磅
發文 22645
註冊 2001/6/2 上
量級 超超重量級

Specific Warm-up
。12 to 15 reps performed before workout set
。Approximately 50% of workout weight (10 RM)
。30 seconds to 3 minutes rest before workout set
。Benefits of specific warmup
。muscles and joint can be warmed up with the exact mechanics
which will be performed during the workout set(s)
。muscle and joint is less susceptible to injury
。muscle can contract with greater intensity
。motor skill and breathing can be reviewed
。Specific warm up can be considered more effective for
weight training than general warmup
。Example of general warmup: jumping jacks, aerobic warm up
。No warm up set is required for high repetition exercises
。Example: 20-30 or 20-50 reps on abdominal training
。high repetition sets are not as intense and serves as a
warm up in its self.
。A second warm up may be performed if the muscles and joints
involved may be more susceptible to injury (based on past experience)
。Example: squats, bench press

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