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樓主: solomon(solomon)( male) 2003/06/02 17:46:31
來自 新北市
磅數 2947.6磅
發文 1800
註冊 2002/8/31
量級 超重量級

數字部分依序是 蛋白質 碳水化合物 脂肪 熱量
1st meal, 7:00 am
6 oz. of oatmeal 燕麥片 17 106 12 600
12 oz. of skim milk 牛奶12 17 1 141
1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1 tsp. peanut butte 一片全麥(吐司)麵包加花生醬 7 15 9 214
8 oz. of orange juice橙汁 - 18 - 80
1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - -
Subtotal 36 156 22 1035

2nd meal, 10:30 am
2 oz. of protein powder乳清 (whey, calcium caseinate, egg albumin blend) mixed in 8 oz. of water 45 5 1 215
Subtotal 45 5 1 215

3rd meal, 1:00 pm
2 hamburgers made of 7 oz. ground beef 牛排35 - 28 395
4 slices of whole wheat bread全麥吐司或麵包 12 76 4 384
2 oz. of tomatoes番茄, lettuce生菜或萵苣, onions洋蔥, mustard芥菜 1 4 - 20
1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - - 這個是他專用的營養品
Subtotal 48 80 32 799

4th meal, 5:00 pm (pre-workout) 健身前
6 oz. of oatmeal 燕麥片17 106 12 600
1 oz. of protein powder乳清 (same blend as above)混合內容同上 22 2 1 384
8 oz. of water - - - - 水
(mix everything in blender and drink or eat out of bowl) 看不懂
Subtotal 39 108 13 707

5th meal, 7:30 pm (post-workout) 健身後
1 serving of Vitargo-CGL mixed in 20 oz. of water - 70 - 287 這個是他專用的營養品
45 minutes later: 45分後
1 Meal Replacement Packet preferably Lean Mass Matrix by Prolab 40 40 8 390 看不懂@@
Subtotal 40 110 8 677

6th meal, 10:00 pm (sustained protein delivery)
4 oz. of ground beef牛肉 20 - 16 225
2 slices of cheese (medium-fat)起士 14 2 12 173
3 whole eggs (large) 整顆水煮蛋18 - 15 225
1 gelcap of 1-TU - - - -
Subtotal 52 2 43 623
Total 260 463 119 4056

有點亂78遭 大家包含 有錯誤的請各為先進補充一下

1作者 solomon (solomon) ( male ) 2003/06/03 23:17:44
來自 新北市
磅數 2947.6磅
發文 1800
註冊 2002/8/31
量級 超重量級

Breakfast 6oz Oatmeal
6 Eggs (Whole)
1 Banana
4 Slices of Toast w/ Peanut Butter

Mid-snack Weight Gainer or Meal Replacement

Lunch ?lb Meat, Poultry or Fish
12oz Baked Potato
6oz Vegetables
Protein Drink w/Milk

Mid-snack Protein Drink (Pre-Workout Drink)
10gm Creatine
10gm Glutamine

Mid-snack Protein Drink (Post-Workout Drink)
10gm Creatine
10gm Glutamine
Vitamin C

Dinner ?lb Meat, Poultry or Fish
12oz Baked Potato
6oz Vegetables
Protein Drink w/Milk

Before Bed Protein Drink w/Milk

唉阿 沒人有興趣唷 這些都是容易準備的食材 大家參考
2作者 solomon (solomon) ( male ) 2003/06/05 01:27:26
來自 新北市
磅數 2947.6磅
發文 1800
註冊 2002/8/31
量級 超重量級

8am: Protein Shake (1 Scoop Whey, 2 Cups Skim Milk, 1 Cup Oatmeal) 580 Cal, 80g Carbs, 49g Protein, 9g Fat
Banana 110 Cal, 28g Carbs
1gm Flax Oil
TOTALS: 690 Cal, 108g Carbs, 50g Protein, 10gm Fat

11am: 8oz. Lean Beef with Wheat Bun 550 Cal, 27g Carbs, 45g Protein, Apprx. 15g Fat
Baked Potato 100 Cal, 26g Carbs, 4g Protein, 0 Fat
2 Cups Skim Milk 160 Cal, 22g Carbs, 16g Protein
TOTALS: 810 Cal, 75g Carbs, 65g Protein, 15g Fat

2pm: PB Sandwich(2tbsp Nat. PB + 2 Slices Wheat Bread) 380 Cal, 43g Carbs, 15g Protein, 34g Fat
2 Cups Skim Milk 160 Cal, 22g Carbs, 16g Protein
5g Creatine w/water (Only on WO Days)
TOTALS: 540 Cal, 65g Carbs, 31g Protein, 34g Fat

3pm workout

(About 4:30 or 5:00)
Immediately Post Workout: Protein Shake (1 Scoop Whey, 2 Cups Skim Milk, 1 1/2 Cups Oatmeal)
5g Creatine
TOTALS: 730 Cal, 105g Carbs, 54g Protein, 12g Fat

7pm: 8oz. Chicken Breast w/ Wheat Bun 510 Cal, 53g Protein, 27g Carbs, Apprx. 5-10g Fat
1/2 Cup Rice 300 Cal, 6g Protein, 66g Carbs
1 Cup Skim Milk 80 Cal, 8g Protein, 11g Carbs
TOTALS: 890 Cal, 67g Protein, 104g Carbs, 10g Fat

8pm: 2 Cups Skim Milk
160 Cal, 16g Protein, 22g Carbs

10pm (Before Bed): Protein Shake(1 Scoop Whey, 2 Cups Skim Milk, 1 Cup Oatmeal)
1gm Flax Oil
580 Cal, 80g Carbs, 50g Protein, 9g Fat
DAILY DIET TOTAL: 3670 Cal, 559g Carbs, 333g Protein, 91g Fat
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