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Kai Greene 被禁止出賽。2015將不會出現在Mr.O

樓主: take(大圓柱)( male) 2015/09/16 02:30:16 180.217.187.xxx

來自 台北市
磅數 45924.8磅
發文 22643
註冊 2001/6/2 上
量級 超超重量級

就在日前kai 發佈了一支影片含淚說著自己不能參加2015年的Mr.O。
網友的傳言表示,Kai 自己的新公司Dynamik Muscle想要在Olympia Expo曝光,


不論如何,不但Phil Heath少了一向以來的強力對手,所有的粉絲也更失望了。

Kai 發佈的影片在此:


“I’ve got a chance to see a lot of emails and messages and things, talking about that,
asking me about that. I just… This is what it looks like when a man is trying to be responsible.

Let me just say that behind the scenes there is just so much more things that are going on than
I’m at liberty to share with you. There is a lot more that’s happening, and that is still in
the process of happening that I cannot say.

It is a test of my resolve and my sense of personal responsibility to exist here in this moment,
in this position, faced with this reality of what will be my inability to participate in the
Olympia 2015.

Let me just say that I’ve invested more than 20 years of my life in the belief, the idea,
of being able to come to the Olympia and to do my absolute best. Despite whatever the
opposition, whatever’s said, whatever the beliefs are on stage, off stage,
whatever the oppositionary forces have been.

My resolve has been to respond as a champion and just aim to represent the better thought
of what that means to me.

You don’t get this far, you don’t get to this point and just stop. It doesn’t happen
like that.

I am not a victim. They are not going to break me. I don’t want to speak negatively to anybody,
I don’t want negatively about anything else. Let me just say there’s more going on than
I’m able to say.”

※本文於2015/9/16 上午 02:34:07修改※

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