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廉讓NoX2 overnight XTENDER 二罐

樓主: cutemuscle(cutemuscle)( male) 2005/05/15 16:04:31
來自 台中市
磅數 59.6磅
發文 57
註冊 2005/5/14
量級 雛量級

從美國買進的NoX2 overnight XTENDER 二罐
一罐$1200 二罐$2300 (含郵)

有需要可以寄信到[email protected]

1作者 alaneric (國弘) ( male ) 2005/06/16 00:30:07
來自 新北市
磅數 6.2磅
發文 8
註冊 2005/6/15
量級 蠅量級

請問你這瓶是幾顆裝的 現在還有嗎
2作者 gagaga1110 (gagaga) ( male ) 2005/06/16 00:37:45
來自 屏東縣
磅數 71.5磅
發文 77
註冊 2004/9/13
量級 羽量級

3作者 cutemuscle (cutemuscle) ( male ) 2005/06/16 09:31:13
來自 台中市
磅數 59.6磅
發文 57
註冊 2005/5/14
量級 雛量級


NoX2 Overnight Xtender Highlights
Taken before bedtime, NOX2 Overnight Xtender will keep optimizing muscle-building myodilation throughout the night. Containing the amino acid citrulline (in addition to A-AKG and A-KIC), a precursor to arginine, NOX2 Overnight Xtender is designed to promote a continuous nitric oxide pump to further help maintain myodilation and anabolic cell signaling. NOX2 Overnight Extender is taken at night, when the bodies own production of NO is likely to be at its lowest. L-arginine complex, which is transported into endothelial cells to produce NO, and L-citrulline-HP, which is transported by a different mechanism and then is recycled into L-arginine, which the body can then use to create more NO. This different mechanism is important because when the L-arginine transporter sees to much L-arginine, it stops absorbing, so less L-arginine in the system means less NO production. Furthermore, NOX2 enhancers may help reduce the loss of nitrogen and enhance the nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme used to convert arginine to NO. NOX2 Overnight Extender is unique compared to other products in the market.

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