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樓主: gotthegear(gear)( male) 2006/05/11 13:45:11
來自 台北市
磅數 22.7磅
發文 14
註冊 2005/8/16
量級 蠅量級

在健身雜誌中獨到的資訊 與諸位分享

需要clen and Ketatifin請回信洽詢

Do you want to make the clenbuterol last longer?
Buy clenbuterol and get ketatifin with it.
What is Ketatifin? It uprates the beta cells. Clen affects the beta cells causing them to burn more rapidly but finally after a few weeks the affect goes away. Ketatifin has been shown to make the clen’s affect last up to six weeks. The ketatifin as an allergy drug and is an old style anti histamine. Taking one a day may cause drossiness but that could be offset by the clen.

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