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Hello Everyone, I am new here, nice meeting you all!!!

樓主: [email protected](Kai)( male) 2004/12/04 08:35:50
來自 北美洲
磅數 953.2磅
發文 668
註冊 2004/12/3
量級 重量級

This is kai from LA. I like the sport as much as everyone does here. I am from Taiwan and I speak Chinese better than English, the only problem is that I don't know how to type Chinese......well, here is a photo which I took this year during the Iron Man expo in pasadena, use it for a little self-introduction and again, nice to meet you all here.
1作者 jason (Jay) ( male ) 2004/12/04 14:53:44
來自 北美洲
磅數 920.2磅
發文 1315
註冊 2003/1/15
量級 重量級

Where is the picture? I can't see it!
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