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Embarrassed Gym Session...

樓主: lou2s(hypertrohpie)( male) 2003/06/11 21:53:25
來自 港澳地區
磅數 145.8磅
發文 57
註冊 2003/4/6 下
量級 輕量級

話說今日做占, 我如常咁去做Squat (82.5KG+20KG bar), 點知唔知係唔係尋日跑步未恢復好, 一蹲下去, 唔夠力hold 住, 竟然一蹲到底 (平時只蹲到大腿成水平)! 心諗: 死喇~~點上番去呢....

但係點都要上番去架啦, 頂硬上啦...... 點知...... "嘭~!!" 成枝barbell 就咁freefall 掉到地上...... 整間gym 房的人的目光都集中在我身上...... 我唯有扮無事咁將barbell 放番到架上......


P.S. 記唔記得以前我POST 過IntroToPL.wmv, 情況差唔多...

1作者 solomon (solomon) ( male ) 2003/06/11 22:21:20
來自 新北市
磅數 2947.6磅
發文 1800
註冊 2002/8/31
量級 超重量級

我看不懂 香港的朋友幫忙吧
2作者 lou2s (hypertrohpie) ( male ) 2003/06/11 22:48:58
來自 港澳地區
磅數 145.8磅
發文 57
註冊 2003/4/6 下
量級 輕量級

I went to gym as usual today and I started with squatting (82.5KG+20KG bar). I am not sure if it was due to insufficient recovery from the running yesterday or something else, I could not hold when my quad was horizontal to the ground and continued to lower until I reached the gesture of "deep squat". "Oh, how am I going to go up??"

Afterall I had to go up, then I tried... "Bang!" The barbell with the weights fell on to the ground, and all eyes in the gym room stared at me...... I could only pretend to be fine and grasp the barbell back on to the rack...... (It was a bench press rack, the gym I go to doesn't hv a squat cage/rack...)

It was so embarrassing...
3作者 Jason (Jay) ( male ) 2003/06/12 00:32:33
來自 北美洲
磅數 920.2磅
發文 1315
註冊 2003/1/15
量級 重量級

Ha Ha!
Funny, but the good thing is that you were not hurt. Always have a spotter with you when you are doing heavy.
When I am doing squat, I always start with light weight 135 pounds to warm up. Then increase to 225 pounds, then 315 pounds...etc. When I am doing 135 pounds, I can tell how much I can do 225, when I am doing 225, I know how much I can do 315 pounds.
4作者 lou2s (hypertrohpie) ( male ) 2003/06/12 00:51:29
來自 港澳地區
磅數 145.8磅
發文 57
註冊 2003/4/6 下
量級 輕量級

yeah.....luckily not got hurt......
I also used 135 pounds to warm up. It was ok so I increased the weight but......

Next time I should have waited for the spotter first... (He was late this time...)
5作者 Jason (Jay) ( male ) 2003/06/13 01:28:39
來自 北美洲
磅數 920.2磅
發文 1315
註冊 2003/1/15
量級 重量級

I do not have a certain spotter. Everytime I need a spotter, I look around, see some big muscular guys, I will ask one of them to give me a spot, because they normally know what they are doing.
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