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i think i sprain my wrist

樓主: cheong0618(cheong)( male) 2008/05/30 04:28:09
來自 北美洲
磅數 83.9磅
發文 51
註冊 2006/8/29
量級 羽量級

i did some heavy sets on monday
i think i sprain my wrist w
when i did incline dumbbells or the single arm dumbbells curl on the incline bench
its not the muscle pain, neither the bone got hurt, i think is the tendon
it doesnt hurt when i leave it alone, but one i try to turn my wrist, or lift sometime, it hurts.
anyone had the same problem,
any idea how to curl it?

1作者 ~偉汁 (偉汁) ( male ) 2008/05/30 09:27:40
來自 台南市
磅數 16.7磅
發文 40
註冊 2008/5/25
量級 蠅量級

Rest for one week, if it still hurts, I suggest you to go to see a doctor. Good luck and take care.
2作者 dunhill19770408 (雷) ( male ) 2008/05/30 19:38:01

3作者 makubexho (percy) ( male ) 2008/05/31 20:21:05
來自 港澳地區
磅數 4.6磅
發文 2
註冊 2007/7/13
量級 蠅量級

sorry to hear that you are injured with your wrist, i feel your pain, becoz i have also experienced such damn shits before, not once but twice. they freakingly hurt. the first time i got this when i carelessly and rudely drop off the heavy barbell after an extreme attempt of biceps curling, my right wrist immediately felt pain, thought it was a mere muscle break-down or something, and then it did not wait much longer the pain developed an unbearable one (ah! so painful), i could certainly say it was not that the bone broke nor the muscle overtrained, but something really hurt. then i dropped out the entire workout and left gym. i tell you i could barely use my right hand due to that ( i could not even hold on to my Uni textbook). The second time i ran into this shit was due to a very bad luck that i tripped over on a thicker branch lying right on the ground behind me while i was checking my letters outside my unit, as i turned round and went, i felt down as i did not react consciously, then the worstest part of all was that i land on my wrists, "FxxK" was the first word then naturally scream out from me and also words like (what the fxxk, motherfxxxer, fxxx yxx to the hell...). it was as if i broke both of my wirsts, pains deeply went into my heart at that moment. Both of these experience costed me 3 to 4 months for recovery.

the price was costly for ones who have a very passion in going to gym and would love to train like hell. so that you make sure there are no problems with your bone n muscle around the injured area, then it "should be fine" as long as u do not try to strain your wrist again, and is basically a matter of time that it heals itself. just take it easy and rest.

anyway, treatment should be applied differently based on the extent of injury one incurs. so that if you feel it necessarily, go and visit a doctor. (hope u dont need to)
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