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2004 Mr .O Result

樓主: ks(ks)( male) 2004/10/31 20:09:24
來自 台中市
磅數 247.3磅
發文 157
註冊 2003/4/14
量級 輕中量級

1. Ronnie Coleman- 24 pts.
2. Jay Cutler- 21 pts.
3. Gustavo Badell- 13 pts.
4. Dexter Jackson- 12 pts.
5. Markus Ruhl- 5 pts.
6. Gunter Schlierkamp- 1 pt.
7. Chris Cormier
8. Dennis James
9. Victor Martinez
10. Darrem Charles
11. Pavol Jablonicky
12. Kris Dim
13. Ahmad Haidar
14. Johnnie Jackson
15. Troy Alves
16. Craig Richardson
17. Mustafa Mohammed
18. Richard Jones
19. Claude Groulx

Lee Priest and Kevin Levrone qualified 但是未比
From Flex online

1作者 franzhung (muskelmensch) ( male ) 2004/10/31 21:10:27
來自 台南市
磅數 401.8磅
發文 226
註冊 2004/7/14
量級 中量級

Oh! My god. Gustavo Badell get the 3rd place.
As I know, he just got his pro card not very long time.
The following are some pictures of this guy in 2004 Arnold Classics.

No Pain, No Gain^..^
2作者 fist_dog (fist_dog) ( male ) 2004/11/01 07:15:17
來自 台中市
磅數 220.7磅
發文 264
註冊 2004/10/18
量級 輕中量級

Hmmm...He got a nice-looking face too
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