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樓主: sumosumo(Eye of The Tiger)( male) 2003/09/07 14:34:12
來自 高雄市
磅數 621.5磅
發文 468
註冊 2003/1/31
量級 中重量級

這次的翻譯隔了很久, 對不起大家...
同樣, 有錯的地方也請大家提出
翻重點跟口語化的翻譯是小弟的特色, 傷眼睛的話..希望大家多包含
Creating a cycle for the newbie [新手用藥循環入門 Translated by sumo]

First it is important to know all the most common steroids before doing anything else
[開始用藥前, 要先知道下列最常見的類固醇]

testosterone (cypionate or enanthate) - no other test is good for a newbie, sust is hard to maintain blood levels and short acting ester tests will require too many injections
Sustanon不適合用藥新手, 為了要維持其在血液中的濃度, 必須時常注射
[Sustanon是什麼呢, 最有名的使用者為Lee Priest, 大家應該都認識他, 他用Sust的劑量簡直只能用「玩命」去形容他所使用的程度]

Deca durabolin - good drug for bulking at moderate dosages, considered somewhat stronger than eq
適量的Deca對增重是個不錯的選擇, 但藥效多少比Equipose來的強些

Equipose - good drug for both bulking and cutting, and known to make you vascular unlike any other drug, also known to make you eat like crazy
Equipose可利用於增重跟減脂, 讓你力氣充足..不過食慾會狂增便是

dianabol - a great kickstarter to any bulking cycle

winstrol depot - good to cut up and known to make you real hard
Winstrol depot可讓人真正結實

anavar - another good drug to harden you up and most likely the safest steroid out there
Anavar大概是現今最安全的類固醇, 對肌肉尺寸增進相當好用

primobolan depot - this is a good drug for hardening up and also good for bridging. I don't think a newbie needs to bridge and although hardening up is a positive thing, primo tends to be a little too costy so I suggest just going with equipose
我建議用Equipose, 因為PD實在小貴, 對新手來說不實用

fina - although this is a great drug, it is not for a newbie because of the quantity of the injections.
Fina 是不錯, 不過要大量注射很危險

anadrol - although this is used commonly amoung more expert users, it is not for the newbie as it is too toxic and should be avoided, dbol should be a great alternative
大部分的老手會使用Anadrol, 對新手來說毒性太高, 可以考慮Dbol 代替

Dosages [處方]

test - 500mg/week
deca - 400mg/week
eq - 400-500mg/week
dbol - 20-25mg/day
winny - 50mg/day
anavar - 40-60mg/day

Length of Cycle [循環的週期]

most cycles are run 8-12 weeks, 10 weeks is more than sufficient for a first cycle and pretty much the norm
大多的循環都在八到十二個星期, 10周比較適合新手的第一個循環

test - 8-11 weeks
deca - 8-10 weeks
eq - 8-10 weeks
dbol - 4 weeks
winny - 4-6 weeks
anavar - 6-10 weeks
[這邊應該不用翻譯了吧, 哈哈]

Stacking [劑量的使用]

test should be the base of your cycle and running it for 11weeks if it's cyp or enan (11 instead of 10 to provide a better timing for the clomid)
第一個循環一定得有Testosterone當基礎, 使用11個星期比十個星期效果更好

deca or eq should be run along with the test and finished 1 week before the test (10 weeks if the test was run 11)
Deca或Equipose應和Test一起使用, 並在第十週結束
[Test仍得使用至第11週, 參上一點]

dbol should be used for a kickstarter to the cycle because test and deca/eq will not kick in until week 3-4
Dbol在循環一開始就要用[有用有效], Test, deca, equipose得累積到第三或第四個星期才會慢慢產生效果

winny and anavar should be used towards the end of the cycle for some hardening up, although they can be avoided if one sees it as too much (these should not be used at the same time as the dbol because of liver toxicity)
Winny 跟 anavar得到循環的尾聲才用, 目的是讓肌肉堅硬結實, 不要跟Dbol混用, 否則會嚴重傷肝[吃斯斯也沒用了, 原文沒有, 是小編碎碎唸]

Question: When do I start Clomid? Some say 2 weeks others 3.
[什麼是Clomid呢, 請先看小編Sumo的注解 from 國家網路藥典]

Answer: When you start using your clomid all depends on what steroids you were using during your cycle. Different steroids have different half lifes and you should adjust your clomid intake accordingly.
不同的類固醇有不同的半衰期, Clomid應該看你當時使用的類固醇種類來使用。

As we have seen above, if we take clomid when the androgen levels in our body is still high it will be a waste. We need to wait for androgen levels to fall before implementing our clomid therapy. However if we take it too late we could possibly lose gains. Look at the list below to determine when you should start clomid therapy.
當體內雄性激素濃度高, Clomid用了也是浪費。得等到雄性激素夠低了方可使用
延遲使用多少對肌肉生長有損失, 下表就是開始使用的參照。

By selecting from the list all the steroids you used in your cycle and which ever one has the latest starting point then go with that. For example if I cycled dbol, sustanon and winstrol I would use sustanon as it remains active in the body for the longest period of time.
老話一句, 還是得看你用什麼樣的類固醇

Anadrol/Anapolan:8 - 12 hours after last administration [上次使用Anadrol/Anapolan後的八到十二小時]
Deca: 3 weeks after last injection and clomid for 4 weeks [距離上次注射三個星期, 而Clomid得使用四個星期]

Dianabol: 4 – 8 hours after last administration [上次使用Dianabol的四到八小時內]
Equipoise: 3 weeks after last injection [上次Equipose使用的三星期後]
Fina: 3 days after last injection [上次使用Fina的三天後用]
Primobolan depot: 10 – 14 days after last injection [上次使用Primobolan的10到14天內]
Sustanon: 3 weeks after last injection [使用Sustanon的三星期後]
Testosterone Cypionate: 2 weeks after last injection
Testosterone Enanthate: 2 weeks after last injection
Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
Testosterone Suspension: 4 – 8 hours after last administration
Winstrol: 8 – 12 hours after last administration [以下同上, 聰明的大家可以懂啦]

Question: What is the most effective way for Clomid therapy.

Answer: Clomid has a long half life and as such there is no need to split up doses throughout the day. I read some where that it was 5 days (any feedback on this). Now if we used sustanon and we start using clomid 3 weeks after our last injection we anticipate that androgen levels are low enough to start sending the correct signals.
Clomid的半衰期很長, 可達五天, 用不著把使用次數拆很開。例如我用Sustanon, 三個星期後我開始用Clomid, 那是我知道體內的雄性激素低到該用Clomid了。

If androgen levels are still a little high then the normal 50mgs/day of clomid for 1 week is not going to be effective. We need to start at a high enough amount that will work or help even if androgen levels are still a little high. 300mgs on day 1. I know I said don’t split it up due to its long half life but try and split this up 2 tabs 3 times a day. After we have finished this first day we seek to use 100mgs for 10 days and then followed by 50mgs for 10 days.
如果我們正打算要用, 而雄性激素濃度還有點高, 那可得使用更多劑量的Clomid才能發揮既有功效,也許第一天得要用到六倍的量[300毫克]才有效。前面提到,不要把份量拆太開,但可試試一天的量拆成兩三次來服用。接下來的第11到第20天,一天要用100毫克。再下來的十天,每天用50毫克就是。

Supplements [營養品/補充品]
glutamine - 10-20mg/ed throughout the cycle and post cycle
creatine - start when you start clomid, it will help maintain gains

clenbuterol & ephedrine - run clen 2weeks on/2weeks off and use ephedrine on the off weeks. I suggest starting it 2weeks before the clomid theraphy starts or just starting it with the clomid gradually increase from one pill to 6 or 7 pills in the first week (if you are unable to tolerate it then stay at lower dosages), take it at 6 or 7 pills at the rest of the weeks run the recommended dose of ephedrine (depending on the brand)

milk thisle - run this at 1000-1500mg/day with the dbol, winny, and anavar as they are 17aa and toxic to the liver, milk thisle will help
在Dbol, Winny,Anavar使用過程中,可以減輕其對肝臟的傷害

ALA - run this along with the milk thisle at around 800mg/day (600mg-1000mg) to further protect the liver
一天八百毫克 [最少600,最多1000毫克] 跟Milk thisle並用,是愛肝良方

saw palmetto - this is a good protection for the prostate and should be run from day one up until the start of clomid at 320mg/day

Cranberry extract - this should be run if you decide to run fina because it is hard on the kidneys [蔓越橘萃取物,可減輕Fina對腎臟的負擔]

vitamin C, 1000mg everyday [每日一千毫克,每日C]

proscar - great drug for protecting hairloss, run this at 1/4 tab a day throughout the cycle (from begining of cycle until start of clomid theraphy), AVOID using this if you are running deca (or any other drug that causes progesterone related side effects) as it will speed up hairloss intead of preventing it
PROSCAR(MSD、美.Merck) 用來治禿頭掉髮的。[國家藥典說的]
藥物作用: 本品為合成4-Azasteroid化合物。通常發生在年齡超過50歲的男性,
二氫睪固酮(Dibydrotestosterone, DHT),間接使尿道不受前列

Nizoral 2% shampoo - this should be used for topical protection of the hair as proscar will only help prevent or slow down hairloss that was caused by the test

Multivitamin [綜合維他命] - they are cheap and should be used everyday at the recommended dosage (usually 1 or 2 pills a day) [一錠克補,一定OK]
Drink as much water as you can handle then drink some more. Water will be extremely useful in every facet and should be considered your most important supplement. [多喝水沒事,沒事多喝水]

Model Cycle [循環範例]
there are quite a few possibilities of running these drugs together, but here is one method

week 1-11 enanthate 500mg
week 1-10 equipose 400mg
week 1-4 dianabol 25mg ed
week 7-13 anavar 50mg ed

week 1-4 milk thisle 1500mg ed
week 7-13 milk thisle 1000mg ed
week 1-4 ALA 800mg ed
week 7-13 ALA 800mg ed
week 1-13 saw palmetto 320mg ed
week 1-13 proscar 1.25mg ed (1/4 tab)
use nizoral 2% throughout and a multivitamin everyday and
1000mg vitamn C a day
week 13-15 Clomid (300,100,50 see above)
week 13-14 clen 6tabs/day (1,2,3,4,5,6,6 tabs per day for the first week)
week 15-16 eca (recommended dose)
week 17-18 clen 6tabs/day
week 19-20 eca
week 21-22 clen
week 13-22 creatine 25mg ed
week 1-22 glutamine 20mg ed

1作者 orsonk (氯巨人) ( male ) 2003/09/07 18:53:04
來自 高雄市
磅數 23磅
發文 17
註冊 2003/3/11
量級 蠅量級

2作者 Taidemgu (Blood & Guts) ( male ) 2003/09/08 01:01:49
來自 桃園縣
磅數 473.4磅
發文 304
註冊 2003/1/27
量級 中量級

A strong will is more important than superior genetics.
3作者 erick (魔神迪格諾西司) ( male ) 2004/10/21 23:31:20
來自 台北市
磅數 1594.9磅
發文 1281
註冊 2003/2/4 上
量級 超重量級

4作者 7KEVIN (7KEVIN) ( male ) 2004/10/22 16:09:01

來自 台北市
磅數 1097.1磅
發文 303
註冊 2003/3/22
量級 重量級

5作者 chickenbreast (台灣阿諾) ( ) 2005/03/04 07:31:30
來自 台北市
磅數 173.8磅
發文 183
註冊 2005/2/15
量級 輕量級

know it and use it and it will be your best friend, abuse it, and it will become your worst enemy!!!!!!!!!!
6作者 choklat (叛國賊) ( male ) 2005/03/04 09:19:28
來自 屏東縣
磅數 390磅
發文 409
註冊 2004/4/27
量級 中量級

7作者 kurt7724 (喇叭嘴) ( male ) 2005/03/04 18:50:41
來自 台北市
磅數 165.5磅
發文 235
註冊 2005/1/1 下
量級 輕量級

我決得用要應分為二部份討論 運動選手使用禁藥 實不足取 不僅為被公平競爭原則 上失運動家今神 也讓比賽淪為一場欺騙關眾的惡性競爭
若是就像個人再健身運動中使用夭藥物 只要無關呼抵觸法令歸彰和以參加競賽為目的 那是個人的自由意志 用要的風險由自己身體陳擔 就像吸煙一樣 雖百害無一利 政府再三喧導 但癮君子依然言者諄諄 聽者渺渺 你只能道德勸說
另外個人認為如果想要打通任督二脈 用藥只是一個環節而已 還要配合飲食 隱養 訓練 作習 等等 健身真的是一像科學運動 如果只認為用藥就可以真加一甲子公力 就好向把喜美裝上法拉利的輪胎就已為可以跑得跟法拉利一樣快
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