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樓主: peter5277(西門)( male) 2004/10/24 15:59:26
來自 其他
磅數 315.1磅
發文 221
註冊 2002/10/27
量級 輕中量級

Dorian Raps!
The Shadow On...
- Iron Will Training
- Bab To The Bone Density
- Why ProPeptides Rule!

By Dorian Yates, 6-time Mr. Olympia. With Jeff Everson, 0-time Mr. Olympia.

Unequivocally, Dorian Yates built the greatest density and hardness of any bodybuilder in history. It certainly could be argued that George Thorogood composed his rock, lead guitar classic, Bad-To-The-Bone — bbbbbbbb... bad to describe the Shadow, Dorian Yates. Dorian won the IFBB Mr. Olympia six times, reigning supreme from 1992-1997. (I, meanwhile, was never so bad, being in touch with my feminine side and all and I was Mr. Olympia zero times.) But, I have watched the Mr. Olympia 19 times. This at least qualifies me to speak (politely) to Mr. Shadow. Thus – I fired off some questions to Dorian, the man, on the eve of the 2003 Arnold Classic Men’s Championships.

PM: Dorian, while too many others like me have only acquired heavy-duty cerebral density, how were you able to develop such tremendous density, hardness and vascularity, especially compared to everyone else?

DY: Many of these qualities, while in part genetic, are responsive to the type and length of training. Hardness, density and vascularity are all directly related to these factors. Both long term and pre-contest nutrition, plays a critical role, especially for body-part muscle and full-body recuperation. I guess many bodybuilders work without pushing intensity. That is a waste of time.

PM: Dorian, to get it out of the way, do special drugs enhance these qualities?

DY: I personally don’t think so. There is little evidence that steroids and growth hormones make muscles harder and denser. They contribute to size and strength, total blood volume and they can increase the number of red blood cells. They contribute to greater vascularity provided the bodybuilder has reduced body fat percentage adequately, but even vascularity is related to training time and intensity. My opinion is that drugs help a hard-training man add size and volume but there is no drug that accomplishes density and hardness, even anti-estrogens. This is muscle maturity. Some unique protein combinations, along with controlled balances of carbohydrates and fats, can significantly change your body with or without drugs. It seems that in many cases, the drugs add motivation which some guys need. They do not seem driven enough without them. You have to want to get better, to be driven for improvement without drugs. I call it iron will, and that does not come from drugs!

PM: In your opinion are the pros today as hard and dense as you were?

DY: Of course not Jeff. (DY laughs.) I don’t know. If you look closely at the physiques of the top ladies like Lenda Murray, it seems that, considering gender, the women are harder and more dense than some of the guys. I say the guys have placed more emphasis on volume and size today and have moved away from the mature, hard look of 10 years ago, especially in the back, the hamstrings and the traps. Along with the forearm, these muscles take longer to train and require intense (heavy) training. The guys are getting better generally, much bigger, but there’s a different physique. It could be that steroid use is too high and the body rebels chemically. You can’t control estrogen rebound on super high testosterone. I think there’s more water retention that produces somewhat of a bit more softer physique today, especially in the back.

PM: Could some of this be due to diuretic testing?

DY: Nah, I don’t really think so because, water pills deflate size, density and volume. You get smaller and go flat, not hard or dense. Testing is a welcome move.

PM: What did you do to get hardness and density? With your injuries, do you regret that you pushed with so much Mentzer-like intensity or Heavy Duty?

DY: Well, who would not regret injuries? In fact, one pushes, pushes to win, to get better. Training setbacks and injuries are part of it. All athletes get injured. I was able to win the Olympia despite some early, serious shoulder impingement. That required an arthroscopic operation, [Jeff’s Note: It’s a bit less invasive when done with a scope]. Later I had quadriceps vastus tears, biceps tear, elbow scar tissue problems and even a triceps tear. Injuries first got me in ‘94, but I still won many times after that. When I felt I could not train at my 100% level, I stepped down because that is my way – no secondary efforts. I learned to train harder than many do and had better proteins with access to micellar casein propeptides in 1997. But what would be the point to train, deliberately to avoid injuries? Maybe when one is 60, but it’s kind of like car racing and not using the gas. You can’t win with that thinking. If you are trying to pole vault 20 feet you don’t stop half way. You go 100% and you either make it over or not. Sometimes the pole snaps. I won the Mr. Olympia six times. I have no regrets.

PM: Speaking of proteins, I (Jeff Everson) was with Myosystems with Bill Phillips and Dr. Scott Connelly, distributing MET-Rx in ‘92-‘95, and I recall, there was quite a bidding war for your endorsement and services.

DY: I was part of what you call a bidding session, when the wrestling group moved into bodybuilding. I rejected that, not in the best interests of the bodybuilders and the sport at heart and I was right. And yes, with proteins, both Mr. Weider and Dr. Connelly were sort of bidding. I signed with Mr. Weider. How could I not? In my winning period, this was best for my bodybuilding career and Peter at FLEX gave me huge publicity all through my competitive career and still does. I will be forever in his debt. Starting at the time, I learned as much as I could about proteins. New stuff was out. It was a start of an education. I really learned about the differences among the major forms of whey. In fact, over a period of about 5 years, from ‘94-‘99, I moved from believing that milk was best to believing in egg then on to believing in ion exchange whey – and then around 97- 98, I decided that micellar casein should be combined with good whey. This is best. A protein supplement should provide for building anabolism and should fight catabolism. I was learning about casein and caseinates. I learned about the muscle-building power of peptides of proteins and I was able to get this protein when no one else even knew about it, let alone get it. These proteins helped me immensely, especially in recovering and overcoming injuries. My emphasis shifted from just calories (I consumed over 5000 a day) to nutrients, stronger proteins and correct carbohydrates. My weight climbed to 270-pounds. Even then, I got my maximum density and hardness. Kerry Kayes and Brian Batcheldor taught me more about super glycogen, post-workout loading for muscle recuperation. That is why we developed the GF osmotic stimulant.

PM: This is the genesis of the ProPeptides, the Dorian Yates Approved line. It really evolved. This sounds sort of like what Lee Labrada went through, being with Joe, moving through Met-Rx and then being stimulated to learn a whole new career, launching his own supplement company and becoming successful.

DY: Yes, exactly so. I became just as intense about protein as I was about training and I think Lee is too. Lee also believes that a mixed blend of protein is strongest. Towards the end of the Olympias, I managed to get the strongest proteins available, bonded peptides. Peptides are the best protein structures for bodybuilding. As soon as I retired I sought to develop more, the best combinations of the proteins that I could, and I did, – the Dorian Yates Approved (DYA) Supplements. Serious bodybuilders are only now beginning to find out about peptides of micellar casein and whey blended with probiotics. Now, most of the serious guys really are using DYA and we could show you the purchase orders to prove it. Everybody in Europe uses it.

The underlying manufacturing agent has the only undenatured (native) form of micellar casein in the United States. If any company that wants to add micellar casein in their protein blend, that’s the only place to attain it.

PM: Gee… well, since the company pays for some ads in PM, my editing pen stays in my pocket. Dorian, give my readers substantive training stuff, especially about your famous thick-back exercises, sets/reps/poundages.

DY: It’s hard to relate this here – bodybuilding is not just sets and reps, it is a cycle of emotion and intensity, full recuperation and bettering the previous cycle. In my book with my friend and countryman Peter McGough at FLEX, we relate all this information. [Jeff’s Note: A Warrior’s Story, The Life and Training Philosophy of the World’s Best Bodybuilder, Yates/McGough, 1998).] Call 800.940.5978 to order. One thing that I did, or did not do, was to “explode” in the positive part of the lift. Many suggest this today, pointing out that it is necessary to activate fast-muscle. Instead I decided to train slower deliberately to maintain maximum tension on the muscle. The overhead lifters must train explosively, but bodybuilders are not jerking maximum single weights up. Another thing I did, prior to my biceps injury (this was a tear, the muscle did not come off the bone attachments), was bent rows with a curl grip. I would keep my upper body at a 70-degree angle and rowed with up to 405-pounds for six strict reps and then I finished with a three-quarter and half rep. I always went to failure and I did minimum sets after warm-ups. I always trained back and rear deltoids together as a whole, on a separate day, once in 7 days’ time. In general, I did 9-10 total sets for my back, reps 8-15 to failure. I would do machine pulldowns, usually the Hammer, the Nautilus Pullover, barbell rows, one-arm Hammer row and cable apparatus long pulley rows, in that order. I almost always did a general warmup, then 1-2, semi-heavy sets for specific warm-up, then an all-out set to failure. I reached 440 pounds in a set of pullovers, 245 pounds in one-arm Hammers and the full stack, which was usually 300-350 plus pounds in the long cable row. I then trained rear deltoids and finished with 2 sets of deadlifts, 315 pounds x 8 reps and 405 pounds x 8-10 reps. I did them super-slow and with my back flat.

PM: Well, we hope we can get lots more from The Shadow! Workout information is lacking and confusing as hell, frankly. I’d like to offer you ample opportunity to pass some experience and wisdom to beginners and intermediates, those that are reaching their first sticking point. Eating is also an area where there is huge confusion. Today what would you recommend for building muscle? And don’t be shy about the DYA line. I am a fan. I have consistently ranked your ProPeptides at the top with Beverly, MET-Rx and Optimum since Planet Muscle began in 2000, long before you advertised and each time it has tested to label.

DY: Sure. Thanks. Again, these are my beliefs. This depends upon goals: when you train, your family commitments, your business, whether you are an owl or a lark and several other factors such as general health and medicals. Here is the nutrition recommended

1作者 peter5277 (西門) ( male ) 2004/10/24 17:21:20
來自 其他
磅數 315.1磅
發文 221
註冊 2002/10/27
量級 輕中量級


2作者 sean (S M I L E) ( male ) 2004/10/24 17:41:33
來自 新北市
磅數 187.6磅
發文 123
註冊 2002/10/8
量級 輕量級


PM: Dorian,很多人跟我一樣肌肉密度不高。相較於別人,為什麼你能有高肌肉密度,並同時擁有高肌肉結實度、血管密度 (譯按:"vascularity"? Not very sure what it is.)?

DY: 這些你剛剛提到的特質,一部份是基因所決定的(天生如此),另一部份則與訓練時間的長度有關。長期及賽前的營養亦扮演非常重要的角色,特別是對各肌群的成長,及全身的復原機制。我相信很多人的訓練強度都不夠,那其實是浪費時間。

PM: Dorian,我們來把這件事情速戰速決,你覺得使用藥物對這些特質有幫助嗎?

DY: 我不認同此種說法。沒有證據可以證實類固醇及生長激素能使肌肉更結實或增加肌肉密度。他們倒是可以增加肌肉大小、力量、總血液量,及紅血球數。你若能降低相當的體脂,他們亦可以幫你增加血管密度,但即使血管密度也是決定於訓練時間跟強度。我認為藥物是可以幫助一些難練大的人增加一些size及肌肉量,但沒有任何藥物可以讓你的肌肉結實,即便是使用anti-estrogens也是如此。

PM: 在你看來,現今職業選手的肌肉結實度及肌肉密度比得上當年的你嗎?

DY: 當然比不上啊,哈哈∼ 我不知道啦!不過如果你仔細觀察頂尖女選手的身材,如Lenda Murray,然後把性別的因素也考慮進去,那麼Lenda比起男生的肌肉可結實的多,且密度高的多喔!我認為現在的男生們把更多的重心擺在肌肉量及size,而失去了那種十年前的選手所具有的成熟的、結實的體格,特別是背部,股二頭,及斜方肌。跟前臂一樣,這些肌群需要更長時間、更高強度的訓練。一般說來,這些男選手們更好,也更大隻了,但這是不一樣的體格。可能的情況是,類固醇使用量太高而使身體產生化學抗衡。在高睪固酮的狀況下,你是不可能控制estrogen的反效應的。我認為現在選手體內的含水量較高就是為什麼他們體格比較鬆軟的原因,特別是背部。

PM: 這會不會是尿液檢測造成的結果呢?

DY: 不是,我不認為是如此,因為水丸(water pills)會使肌肉size、密度及肌肉量減小。你會變的更小隻、更沒線條,而非更結實,或肌肉量更高。
3作者 sean (S M I L E) ( male ) 2004/10/24 21:28:30
來自 新北市
磅數 187.6磅
發文 123
註冊 2002/10/8
量級 輕量級


PM: 你是如何訓練來獲得結實度及密度的?在受傷後,你會後悔用了Mike Mentzer的高強度訓練法嗎?

DY: 誰會想要受傷呢?事實上,人就是為了要更好而如此盡力的訓練啊!但挫折及受傷是過程的一部份,每個運動員都曾受傷過。我的肩膀早期便受了嚴重的傷,需要外科關節內視鏡 (Any doctors here? Do you have a Chinese name for this?)的檢驗跟治療,但即使如此我還是照拿Mr. Olympia!後來,四頭撕裂、二頭撕裂、手肘纖維問題、及三頭撕裂皆陸續加入傷害的陣容。1994年時,這些傷首次讓我幾乎無法訓練跟比賽,但我克服萬難依舊拿了好幾次Mr. Olympia。當我覺得我不能再以百分之百的強度來訓練時,我便退出,因為那不是我的方式,我不做第二名的奮鬥。我學會比別人更努力的訓練,並在1997年得以獲取更好的蛋白質來源。但,如果你訓練時還得奮力的避免受傷,那訓練還有什麼意義呢?或許對60歲的人來說是有的,但那便好似賽車而不加油(譯按:別問我,我也不知道這個比喻是什麼意思。)那樣的思考模式是不會拿冠軍的。你若比賽撐竿跳20英尺,你不能在10英尺處便停住,你必須給他百分之百的衝勁,然後你要不就成功,要不就跳不過那20英尺。當然有時竿子會斷掉。我拿了六次Mr. Olympia,我沒有遺憾。

PM: 說到蛋白質,我及Myosystems、Bill Phillips、Dr. Scott Connelly在1992-1995年間發售MET-Rx,而就我所記得的,當時大家都爭著要找你來代言商品。

DY: 我的確有捲入這場代言爭奪戰中,好似摔跤熱蔓延至健美界了。我當時拒絕了,因為這無益於健美選手及健美界,而我是對的。(譯按:後來Dorian還是選擇了Weider,這些代言的事情,便略過不翻。)1994-1999這五年間,我從相信牛奶是最好的蛋白來源,到相信雞蛋,到離子交換蛋白;爾後在1997-1998時,我決定micellar casein與好的乳清一起使用是最好的方式。好的蛋白質補品應該能促進合成代謝,降低分解代謝。我學到了有關casein及caseinates的事,也學到了有關蛋白質中縮氨酸可增長肌肉的效用。我當時便能獲得此種蛋白質,而其他人甚至都還不知道這些事,就不用說去使用它了。這些蛋白質給我很大的幫助,尤其在修復及傷癒方面。我的重心從攝取足夠的卡路里(每天5000卡)到營養,到更好的蛋白質及攝取正確的碳水化合物。我的體重增到270磅(相當於122.7公斤),即使在那樣的體重,我仍保持最高的肌肉密度及結實度。Kerry Kayes及Brian Batcheldor教我更多有關肝醣及練後補充能量、肌肉修補方面的事情。
4作者 sean (S M I L E) ( male ) 2004/10/24 23:57:40
來自 新北市
磅數 187.6磅
發文 123
註冊 2002/10/8
量級 輕量級

5作者 peter5277 (西門) ( male ) 2004/10/25 01:49:10
來自 其他
磅數 315.1磅
發文 221
註冊 2002/10/27
量級 輕中量級


6作者 sean (S M I L E) ( male ) 2004/10/25 11:10:48
來自 新北市
磅數 187.6磅
發文 123
註冊 2002/10/8
量級 輕量級



7作者 sean (S M I L E) ( male ) 2004/10/25 11:24:59
來自 新北市
磅數 187.6磅
發文 123
註冊 2002/10/8
量級 輕量級

PM: Dorian,給我們的讀者一些實在的東西吧!特別是你最有名的「厚背」訓練,組數/次數/重量。

DY: 在這裡突然要插入這個有點難,因為健美不是只是組數和次數,它是包含情緒、強度及完全休息的循環,並要在下一個循環做的更好。可參閱我和Peter McGough在1998年合著的書 ─ 戰鬥家的故事。
有一件我做了,或沒做的事就是去「爆發」推舉中的正向部分(譯按:如,做蹲舉時,向下蹲為「負」,向上則為「正」。)現在很多人推薦此法,說那樣可以有效刺激「快肌」- fast-muscle。然而,我主張「慢速訓練」,使肌肉保持最大的緊張狀態。舉重選手必須訓練爆發力,但健美選手不然。

依序會練machine pulldowns(通常是用Hammer),the Nautilus Pullover(譯按:Hammer及Nautilus皆是廠牌名稱),曲身划船,單手Hammer划船,及滑輪划船。

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