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類固醇使用法 英文好的人翻一下吧!

樓主: hn50179(阿ken)( male) 2006/01/18 09:17:15
來自 台南市
磅數 59.2磅
發文 17
註冊 2004/11/8
量級 雛量級

It seems to me that there have been a lot of source posts
and rules broken lately. I have never seen the board rules posted anywhere.

I forget where this came from...Elite or MuscleChemistry ??
So here's some good rules for everyone to follow.
Maybe a Mod or Jim can post a copy of the Actual board rules....
and make it a Sticky:

This post is to help newbies understand how to post questions as well as help them correspond with vets and other board members. In addition to providing them with an understanding of board etiquette and how to manouver around the board. Understanding and using this information will help with the continuity of the board and keep things going in a positive direction.

First things first-
If you have any questions about posting that are not answered here, email a moderator.

1. Do not come on the board and openly ask for a source.
You will get flamed silly, and the only responses you will get are from scammers. In addition, your post will be deleted immediatly.

2. Read the boards carefully, after a while it becomes obvious who is who.

3. Ask for references- most sources will offer a monitor(s) as a reference. Ask the monitor or a vet about the source via Email. Monitors will not give you bad advise, they have a reputation to uphold, not only for themselves but for the board as well as its members.

4. Scammers use several different MOs. A popular way is to use a reputable sources name. By using different destinations, names that are no longer in the buisness, or just by simply changing a simple letter in the name. Be sure to have the correct screen name and Email address as well as any references.

5. If a deal sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Most reputable sources will not send you a "list" without being prompted by an Email from you. Be careful, scammers are everywhere, and there is nothing worse than losing your hard earned money.

6. DO NOT OPENLY POST AS A SOURCE - or post other sources names.There are ways of being descrete. These posts will be deleted immediatly. OPEN SOURCE POSTING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

7. Use common sense. If it doesn't feel right don't do it. If in doubt make small trial orders. A good rule of thumb- don't send more money than you are willing to lose.

8. Always have Nolvadex or Arimadex on hand during any cycle in case of gyno. As well as clomid for post cycle to get your nads back on line. This is one question that doesnt need to be asked a thousand times.

9. Steroids are not the "cure all" for larger muscles. Diet, rest/recouperation, and HARD training build muscle. AAS are just a vehicle to help these other processes along.

10. Before taking any AAS know what you are doing and using. Research everything before putting anything into your body. Be sure to have a complete understanding of injection proceedures. Use common sence when discarding syringes, vials, broken ampules, etc...

11. Understand what you are ordering and what the side effects are. Know how to stack them to get the maximum effect. This includes ancillary drugs. Never start a cycle without having everything to complete it. Have your cycle planned out in ever detail before ordering.

12. Before you cry scammer on the boards be sure to have concrete evidence. Be patient, sometimes problems occur during shipping, holidays, seizure, etc... So it may be delayed. It takes time to be notified by customs if your package has been seized. If you cry scammer early be prepaired to be flamed. Don't take it personally. Email a monitor prior to posting to verify that there are warranted circumstances.

13. Read the scammer lists.

14. Unless otherwise stated, do not ask mods or vets to give up their sources. They won't. Most will be willing to help you, but not by giving you a source, especially for free.

>>>>>>>>>> VERY IMPORTANT<<<<<<<<<<

15. When posting questions be sure to include all pertanent information. When posting a cycle question be sure to provide us with information on yourself, incuding:

Age? Stats? Bf?
Training experience? cycle experience?
diet? rest? Goals?
What you intend on using and how much? For how long?
Any medical problems?, injuries?, allergies?

These are important elements to include. Vets can not make informed suggestions without all the important information.

16. You cannot trust everyone on the boards. Use common sense. It should be obvious who the vets and monitors are. Once you have been around for a little while, you will know who to trust. Don't expect people to trust you either. Spend some time on the board, get to know people, and allow them to get to know you. There are a lot of intelligent, interesting and experienced people around. Get to know them. There is a wealth of information on the net, so have a good time and learn.

17. Read the past posts before posting a question. Chances are the same question has been asked recently. You can add to that thread if you like or just BUMP it. It will be moved to the top of the list and you will get responses.

18. Ask intelligent questions and you will get intelligent answers. Stupidity will get you flamed. Preview your post before you put it up. Make sure it makes sense. People can not reply if they do not understand what you are talking about.

19. Have a good time, but PLEASE do not cause trouble. If you give respect you will recieve it. Excessive flaming or slamming of other board members will not be tolerated. Posts that are intended to insult, humiliate, or otherwise disrupt the continuity of the board will be deleted imediatly. If this behavior continues, the member causing the problem will be banned completely. WITH NO EXCEPTIONS!

Now lets go through some terminology used on the boards.

MONITOR/MODERATOR: A monitor (or mod) serves several purposes. They are vets and are knowledgable about most aspects of bodybuilding. They maintain the continuity of the board and have the power to edit or delete posts that are unintelligent or offensive. They can also ban an individual that causes excesive problems. Members need to bear in mind that mods have lives off of the board and can answer only so many questions. Sometimes it takes time for them to get back to you, either on the board or by Email. Mods get an enormous amount of Email, so be patient.

BUMP: this term appears throughout the board. It is used to move a thread to the top of the list for more responses.

SOURCE: a source is someone who supplies pharmaceuticals. Be aware that these substances are often illegal. It is up to you to know the laws in your area.

SCAMMERS: a scammer is an individual or group that claims to be a supplier of pharmaceuticals then doesn't deliver. They are con men and theives. Most sources (not all, but most) that openly post or send Email to you unprompted are scammers.

NEWBIE: if you do not know what a newbie is, it is you. A newbie is someone who is new to the boards and/or to steroid use andbodybuilding. Familiarize yourself with the proper etiquette involved with using the board, and be respectful of others. Rember we were all newbies at one time. Don't take anything personally.

FLAMING: flaming occurs when board members feel a post or message is less than intelligent. Flaming is part of life on the boards and sometimes is neccesary. They are usually sarcastic, argumentative, or insulting remarks. Excesive flaming will not be allowed at Musclechemistry. These posts will be edited or deleted immediatly. If it continues the member will be banned from the board completely.

VET: a vet is a person that has been around the boards and bodybuilding in general for a long time. Most are interesting and knowledgable individuals and are respected by other members.


EOD ---- every other day
ED ----- every day
LOL ---- laughing out loud
IMO ---- in my opinion
IMHO --- in my honest opinion
Drol --- anadrol
Dbol --- dianabol
pins --- syringes
slin --- insulin
FAQ --- frequently asked questions
Bf ----- body fat
mod --- monitor or moderator
AAS --- anabolic/andogenic streoids
clen --- clenbuterol
WTF --- what the f**k

There are several others people come up with. If you do not understand something, ask.

I hope that this explains what is going on around here, and what is expected of them. Enjoy yourself, meet people, learn and have a good time. And thank you for taking the time to read this.

1作者 nokia (piggy) ( male ) 2006/01/18 11:21:37
來自 台北市
磅數 63.3磅
發文 65
註冊 2003/4/11
量級 羽量級

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