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樓主: T(台中市中力健身院)( male) 2005/05/10 02:40:32
來自 台中市
磅數 434磅
發文 406
註冊 2005/4/29
量級 中量級



興奮劑(Stimulants) - 刺激中樞神經提高肌肉效率,抑制疲勞,凝聚爆發力,使運動更持久(健身房常用的燃脂劑).

同化性物質(Anabolic Agents) - 直接增加肌肉中蛋白質的合成代謝,促進雄性荷爾蒙分泌,增加肌肉淨組織,增加血紅素生成,增加力量.(健美選手用來增加肌肉量)

利尿劑(Diuretics) - 排出多餘的水份,快速減輕體重(健美選手用來淡化藥物殘留,逃避藥檢)

同化性物質分為兩類,同化性類固醇(Anabolic Steriods),和β2致效劑(β2 Agonist).

大家常說的類固醇就是指這些:Danazol, Dromostanolone Propionate, Ethylestrenol, Fluoxymesterone, Methandriol, Methandrostenolone, Methyltestosterone, Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone Phenproprionate, Oxandrolone, Oxymetholone, Stanozolol, Testolactone, Testosterone, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate.

另外常用來減脂的藥就是指這些:Bambuterol, Clenbuterol, Fenoterol, Formoterol, Reproterol, Salbutamol, Salmeterol, Terbutaline.

有心想更進一步參考的人,去美國Yahoo 搜尋Anabolic Steriods就會找到約40萬個相關網站,慢慢看個夠吧.


Tony 2005/5/10.

1作者 cutemuscle (cutemuscle) ( male ) 2005/05/15 13:45:36
來自 台中市
磅數 59.6磅
發文 57
註冊 2005/5/14
量級 雛量級

我不知道這裡是不是能討論steroid(AAS)呢?如果可以的話,我本身"知道一些"(i'm a Med student),有興趣可以找我討論:)
2作者 T (台中市中力健身院) ( male ) 2005/05/16 00:19:12
來自 台中市
磅數 434磅
發文 406
註冊 2005/4/29
量級 中量級

Of course you can talk about AS in here. That's what here is designed for isn't it?
You probably is the most vaulable person in here since you seems to have real experience of AS cycles. Well, I'm not a person will go for machos. I'm the person going for aerobic activities rather than pumping irons.Therefore, I don't have any experience of AS cycle. You can do the job to save some people who really don't need to give it a try.

Since you are from Taichung as well, so you are wellcome to visit me at my GYM. I'm the instructor of Central Power GYM. I'm trying to make Taiwanses bodybuilder stronger than ever. But, as you see, there is a lot of problems to cope with. so far, in my GYM, I hardly can find who is quilfyed to take the shots.

You can post your cycle just like in the U.S. Talk about how much you gain per week, and the side affects, the feeling etc... This may save some people from taking AS cycles.

My point is that "If you are a serious bodybuilder, you better get to know it quick. If you are not a bodybuilder, then you don't need it at all, Don't even think about it". You see, there are so many newcomers say "OH, I want to be like Mr.O" what a joke isn't it?

Tony 2005/5/16.
3作者 cutemuscle (cutemuscle) ( male ) 2005/05/16 01:10:39
來自 台中市
磅數 59.6磅
發文 57
註冊 2005/5/14
量級 雛量級

4作者 T (台中市中力健身院) ( male ) 2005/05/16 01:36:32
來自 台中市
磅數 434磅
發文 406
註冊 2005/4/29
量級 中量級



Wish you good luck.

Tony 2005/5/16.
5作者 goku1210 (悟空的傳人) ( male ) 2005/05/20 16:03:41
來自 台北市
磅數 131.5磅
發文 85
註冊 2005/1/11
量級 輕量級

Sustanon 250 has quickly become the best online source for consumers to buy sustanon 250 at amazingly low-discounted prices. Our company is comprised of a staff which is dedicated in assisting individuals like you, with obtaining prescription medications such as sustanon 250 at rock-bottom prices!

If you need a prescription for sustanon 250 we can provide you with one through a FREE online medical consultation inside our Gold Club member's area. Keep in mind that several of the sources included in our listings charge a reasonable consultation fee for sustanon 250. In several cases, this fee is factored into the price of sustanon 250. First however, you must be a registered Gold Club member. Please select your Gold Club Package Plan below to buy sustanon 250 today!

Sustanon 250 prices shown below are strictly sample prices of potential savings that one might encounter in the Gold Club Members area. The sustanon 250 prices listed below are not guaranteed, but rather samples obtained from past and Current Gold Club Members along with sources included in our listings. The "Order Now!" button will not allow you to directly buy sustanon 250. Remember, we are not a pharmacy and do not sell any medications, including sustanon 250. However, we are a pharmacy referral service which lists hundreds of online pharmacies (both foreign & domestic) that do sell hundreds of prescription medications, including sustanon 250. It is important to remember that anabolic steroids, such as sustanon 250, are illegal in some countries. Please check with your country's laws to ensure that sustanon 250 is legal for you to take.

Chemical Name: ORGANON (OR-gan-non)

Common uses
Sustanon 250 is an androgenic, anabolic steroid used to produce rapid weight gain. Sustenon 250 may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor. Allow our service to assist you before you buy sustanon 250. Sustenon 250 is the most commonly prescribed to consumers today. In several cases, sustanon is much less expensive online than at your local pharmacy. Common misspellings for sustanon 250 include sustenon 250, sustenon, and sustanon.

Before using
Some medicines or medical conditions may interact with sustanon 250. Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate 30 mg, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, testosterone isocaproate 60mg and testosterone decanoate 100 mg. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking before taking sustanon 250. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions, allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding before taking sustenon 250. USE OF sustanon 250 IS NOT RECOMMENDED if you have a history of malabsorption syndrome or gallbladder conditions. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns about taking sustenon 250.

Follow the directions for using sustanon 250 provided by your doctor. Sustanon 250 COMES WITH A PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET. Read it carefully. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have about sustanon. Take sustanon 250 with or up to 1 hour after each main meal that contains fat. Taking sustenon 250 with low-fat meals will lessen the side effects that can occur. If you miss a meal or the meal contains no fat, do not take a dose of sustanon 250. IF YOU ARE TAKING A MULTIPLE VITAMIN, take it either 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking sustanon 250. STORE sustenon 250 at room temperature below 77 degrees F (25 degrees C), away from heat and light. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF sustanon 250, skip the missed dose of sustenon 250 and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do NOT take 2 doses of sustanon 250 at once.

DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE of sustanon 250. Exceeding the recommended dose of sustenon will not make you gain more weight. KEEP ALL DOCTOR AND LABORATORY APPOINTMENTS while you are using sustanon 250. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. IT IS UNKNOWN IF sustanon 250 IS EXCRETED in breast milk. DO NOT BREAST-FEED while taking sustanon 250. IF YOU HAVE DIABETES, sustenon 250 may affect your blood sugar. Check blood sugar levels closely and ask your doctor before adjusting the dose of your diabetes medicine.

Possible side effects
SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking sustanon 250 include oily stools or spotting, increased number of bowel movements, bowel movement urgency, poor bowel movement control, or gas with discharge. You may also notice restlessness, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, or dry mouth after taking sustenon 250. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Drug interactions
Sustanon 250 steroid interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other.

If you take too much
If overdose is suspected while taking sustanon 250, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Additional information
FOLLOW THE DIETARY PLAN provided by your doctor. Your daily intake of fat should be divided evenly over 3 meals while taking sustanon 250. When you eat food high in fat you increase the chance of side effects as listed above. DO NOT SHARE sustanon 250 with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE sustanon 250 for other health conditions. KEEP sustanon 250 out of the reach of children. IF USING sustanon 250 FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills before your supply runs out. Before you buy sustanon 250 allow our service to assist you in maximizing your savings on sustanon 250. We have several sources included in our exclusive listings that offer sustenon 250 at discounted prices.

Sustanon 250 should only be taken under the close supervision of your local physician. Please check with your residing state and country's laws to ensure that sustanon 250 is legal for you to take. We are not medical professionals and none of the information on this website should be taken as professional medical advice. Please seek professional medical advice regarding sustanon 250 and all other prescription drugs from your local health care physician or doctor. It is important to remember that often times online pharmacies will substitute a lessor equivalent version of sustanon 250 in its place. Sustanon 250 is an anabolic steroid and can only be obtained with a valid prescription except for the countries in which it is legal without prescription.
6作者 goku1210 (悟空的傳人) ( male ) 2005/05/20 16:04:48
來自 台北市
磅數 131.5磅
發文 85
註冊 2005/1/11
量級 輕量級

7作者 0823 (阿人) ( male ) 2005/05/22 22:10:37
來自 高雄市
磅數 120.1磅
發文 237
註冊 2004/4/4 下
量級 輕量級

8作者 qazwsx (健身新手) ( male ) 2005/06/02 22:56:59
來自 基隆市
磅數 167.5磅
發文 157
註冊 2004/7/30
量級 輕量級

沒錯~~~除非要比澳林否亞級的 不然一般人沒必要吧
9作者 musclenet (muscle) ( male ) 2005/06/02 23:18:36
來自 花蓮縣
磅數 127.9磅
發文 188
註冊 2004/11/7
量級 輕量級

頂尖選手會使用禁藥有其誘因(表現好--> 好的報酬)
有此誘因自然會不計代價求取表現, 無論公平或是倫理與否

你在臺灣使用禁藥有什麼實質誘因呢 ?
你攜牲了健康你會得到什麼 ?

If you do insist to try some roids, I have a lot of info
to help you guys. Before using steriods, you have to make
sure you know what you are doing and take the potential
short-term and long-term risks/harm to health.

Come to my web for more info about anabolics.

I myself am not a roid user and not an advocate of such usage.
Providing correct knowledge to prevent potential damage is
the goal of the discussing board in my forum.
10作者 ray0903 (可愛的可達鴨) ( male ) 2005/06/07 08:20:56
來自 新竹市
磅數 328.3磅
發文 380
註冊 2005/6/6 上
量級 中量級
據說... 只是據說...並無證據...這點一定要強調
在短短的幾年內 練出了別人要練十年的東西
只是我真的很不瞭解 這樣有意義嗎
年紀輕輕的 就將自己的身體搞壞
問題是 他犧牲了部份的代價是世界冠軍頭銜一堆
而目前在台灣 或是可預見的幾年內
健美人口 應該會增進 那代表這個市場也許有一定成度的成長空間
而相關人口增加 就代表相關商機增加

今日在台灣 真的有從職業健美選手身上賺到錢的有多少
大部份都是從事健身教練的工作 一份不錯的工作 收入穩定
可是為了一份收入穩定的工作 搞壞自己的身體 值得嗎
當然 我想大部份人都不是為了工作而去練健美 大概是為了興趣為了理想
只是 為了那些 弄壞自己身體 還是那句話 值得嗎
外國選手也是有在用藥的 只是 他們的用藥都是經由最專業的營養師藥師
為他們自己的身體調配出來的 所以三四十歲 也許是他們的巔峰期
但在台灣的選手 氾濫用藥的 有多少真的能夠撐到三十歲之後呢
現在台面上三十歲以上的老國手(三十歲不算老 是指經驗)
有多少人用藥的呢??? 他們都是經由日積月累 千垂百煉出來的
也許 此生登上世界舞台無望 但是 此生亦無憾了
反觀用藥氾濫的 現在可能發光發亮 但 再一年兩年或三年後呢
有朝一日 藥物慢慢的侵襲了自己身體
那時 悔之不及

個人覺得 健美是理想 很好 但是 第一先顧到健康吧
11作者 power (威力) ( male ) 2005/06/07 09:31:12
來自 彰化縣
磅數 923.2磅
發文 1242
註冊 2003/2/18
量級 重量級


你在臺灣使用禁藥有什麼實質誘因呢 ?
你攜牲了健康你會得到什麼 ?

12作者 T (台中市中力健身院) ( male ) 2005/06/07 12:28:07
來自 台中市
磅數 434磅
發文 406
註冊 2005/4/29
量級 中量級

Hello muscle,

It's good to provide the info on roids. But be careful!
Don't trade them or take risk for been a black market dealer!
Simply it's not worth it..
u can tell them where to get it, but u shouldn't pass it..
Take my advice :)

13作者 musclenet (muscle) ( male ) 2005/06/07 23:04:08
來自 花蓮縣
磅數 127.9磅
發文 188
註冊 2004/11/7
量級 輕量級

Thanks !!!!
I did help some friends to get those medications or to inject for them.
In the past, I did not have any idea that I might get into trouble(s).
Now, I am very careful to deal with such info and refuse to help anybody
to buy them.
Providing correct info is mandatory for may friends. I think doing
so will help them stay away from any possible adverse effects.

I am updating my forum every 2 to 3 days about roids and training systems.
Thanks, again.
14作者 T (台中市中力健身院) ( male ) 2005/06/09 02:29:22
來自 台中市
磅數 434磅
發文 406
註冊 2005/4/29
量級 中量級

My pleasure muscle,

It's a good practice to be aware of getting into unnecessary troubles.
Because after all, those roids are forbidden to trade by none-prescription individuals. And, there is no much profit out of it.. :)

Although I am a none-drug tendency gym instructor, but I do realize that
there is definitely needed for serious bodybuilders to compete in the show. Especially for those who join contests outside of Taiwan.

Helping people is cool, and I wish you continue to help your friends
who really need it. Infact, I really think they are lucky to have you as their
friend. Your friends whon't betray you, but your buyers may be dangerous.

cool :)

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